Saturday, February 15, 2025

French Future Tense Activities

Do you teach a variety of grade levels and need to find activities covering the various verb tenses around "le futur"?

Here are some that will help you out. This future tense French bundle covers le futur proche, le futur simple and le futur antérieur which allows you to review with your higher level students while also introducing the more basic future tenses with your lower grades or ability level students.  

You'll have the activities ready to go when you need them! Grab the BUNDLE now!

AND are you looking for some photo writing prompts to inspire your students' creativity while practising their French writing skills?  Here's a FREEBIE FOR YOU!

Enjoy your day!  Thanks for stopping by.

Lorraine :) 



Friday, February 7, 2025

Popular French Valentine's Day Activities

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, students of all ages love to do French activities for la Saint Valentin. 

Here are two really popular resources with activities ideal for a variety of grade and ability levels. 

Grab them now and have them ready for la Saint Valentin.


Monday, February 3, 2025

Annual February TPT SALE

It's back!  February 4 and 5, 2025 is TpT's Annual February Sale!  

Wherever you are in your teaching journey, being able to save yourself some prep time is always a bonus. Have a look at your wish lists to see where you really need to add some new resources.  

Here are 3 very popular resources at my store:

Come check them out!  Happy Shopping!
