If you have the "travel bug" and have ventured to countries around the world, you may have visited Africa! Senegal, a French speaking country in Africa is a great one to highlight in your French lessons. It gives your students the opportunity to explore a country other than their own and learn about the vast differences in culture. How does the food of Senegal differ from what they might have at home? Is the school life different? What about transportation, government, music, just to name a few areas of interest for your students.
I have a French bundle of activities that will help you teach a unit about "le Senegal" and allow you to use a variety of resources in your lessons.
Your students will be able to do some or all of these activities:
1. a webquest in either English or French
2. a French sentence completions activity
3. a mots cachés/word search
4. a digital/on-line drag & drop activity with culture photos
5. a printable Senegal matching game for small group activities
6. Internet Research blogging activity - great for seniors!