Are you looking for ways to reinforce French vocabulary with your students?
It's so important for students to build up their vocabulary base. It doesn't matter how good their grammar is, if they don't have the words they need in order to get their message across, they are defeated before they begin! Here are a couple of ways that I like to help with this.
1. Since it's near the end of September and school objects seem to be a common vocabulary focus for this month, I like to have the students play "Kim's Game". Simply put, arrange a collection of items on your desk or table for your students to have a look at. Before showing the objects to the students, cover the objects with a t-towel so that they are hidden. The goal for the students is to remember as many of the items "under the t-towel" as they can and to write the words on a sheet of paper. While the items are still covered, I have the students gather around the table so that everyone can see. They are NOT allowed to take notes at this time. Once everyone has a good view I uncover the items for 1-2 minutes for the students to try to memorize as many of them as possible. Remember NO NOTE TAKING. After the 1 or 2 minute time frame I cover the items back up and the students scurry back to their desks and start intensely writing down as many items as possible. It goes without saying that the words must be in French! The student(s) with the most number of correct words written down win(s). Even my high school students like to play this game.
2. Need something for that day you are going to be absent? --- cold and flu season has certainly begun and teachers are bound to catch something! Have a LOTO/BINGO set of cards tucked away in your teaching supplies. Even the most active of classes will remain calm for your substitute while playing LOTO. It's a great way to reinforce a themed set of vocabulary or to even introduce it to a class. How does that work if they don't know the words yet? All of my LOTO/BINGO sets include the calling card which also doubles as a vocabulary reference card. You can either copy this along with your LOTO cards set (one for each student to refer to while playing) OR you can have the substitute project this card onto the class screen for students to look at.
If you would like to have a look at these LOTO/BINGO sets just click the link here. CLICK HERE
Are you interesting in some free writing prompts to leave if you are away?
If so, this will give you access to some: CLICK HERE !
Enjoy these French vocabulary ideas!
À la prochaine et bonne journée!