Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Novel projects!

I often admired the wonderful projects that my colleagues who teach English used to receive from their students.  They showed so much thought and an amazing ability to present the inner soul of the books they would read.  Why not in French?  Perhaps one day I thought.  Well, I came across the most wonderful opportunity to do just that.  I currently have a group of students who came to my school with immersion background and with them also a creative side.  While studying novels by Jules Verne - L’île mystérieuse, and Le Tour du monde en 80 jours these students put together a variety of amazing projects.  I wanted to share a few with you! 

These 3 projects cover: Globe: Le Tour du monde en 80 jours depicting all of the stops that Phileas Fogg and Passepartout made on their journey around the world.
Cereal Box: a representation of the main characters and "Flocons de voyage" as the new cereal.  Cereal ingredients and a coupon were also included. 
Venn Diagram:  Comparison of Phileas Fogg, Passepartout and my student.  Similarities and differences in personalities.

If you are interested in any of these please visit my store for the following 3 products that I used as resources for this novel study.  :)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Giving Directions!

One of the best things my high school teacher taught us was how to give directions to someone in French!  In our tourist destination city thousands of people would visit each year.  For whatever reason, I always seemed to meet someone who was French during the summer and each time, they needed directions to a local restaurant, tourist site, or shopping area.  Merci Mme!!  This past week I did this very same thing for my students. We don't live in as large a city nor are there as many tourists flocking to our city but I remember how good it felt to help someone out.  My students took on the roles of "tourist" and "local" while practising with a "Montreal city map" and of course a list of vocabulary to help them out.  They would switch back and forth in the roles while I gave them "beginning locations" and "destinations".  Map skills are not as prevalent these days with our fancy GPSs but when travelling someone will invariably give you a PAPER MAP!  Have fun with this!  One of my products at my store includes vocabulary for this activity!  Check it out! :)
Giving Directions! - vocabulary included