I try to keep the imaginations of my students working and love to see them use what they have learned in French class at the same time. Recently, I had my students write stories in class. They only had one hour in which to put something together. They had a page of 'handdrawn' pictures from which to choose. They cut out 8 pictures from a page of several pictures to write their own stories. Each story would be different as the students all chose different pictures. They had to write a minimum of 2 sentences per picture with a goal of between 16-20 sentences for their stories. They were encouraged to use the vocabulary lists and grammar concept rules that they had in their notebooks. They were not allowed to use any electronics for this activity. Without any suggestions at all, they also chose to colour in the pictures. These are high school students! They were engaged for the full hour and had a good time with their creations. The results varied of course as would be the case in all classes with varying ability levels. I was very pleased with the results. To see the product in my store check out this link: Racontons une histoire!