Thursday, August 27, 2015

A teacher to look at!

Hi everyone!

I wanted to share with you a teacher-author, Kimberly Geswein, who makes fonts 'extraordinaire'!  I don't know about you but I get tired of the regular fonts that come with our computer programs and enjoy trying out new ones!  

Kimberly has dozens of fonts at her Teachers pay Teachers store with catchy names that certainly must go along with a bubbly personality.  I haven't met her but the names of her fonts give light to much "love of life".  :) Her fonts are available to you for personal use at no cost.  She shares these with everyone!  So generous I must say.  For those of us who are a part of the Teachers pay Teachers teacher-authors community or for others who sell their work,  she requires a commercial license to be bought with each font you choose to use.  So, for example, if I choose to use the font "Set Fire to the Rain", I can buy a single font license OR IF I find that I am going to use many of her fonts there is also an All Fonts license which will cover all of the fonts that she makes.  Additionally, the license you buy for a font is not for a single use but for a single font. So, I can use a "loved" font more than once and not need to buy a second license. My purchases have been well worth it!!  

For those of you who teach World Languages and who are wondering about the "accents".  Yes!!  Several - not all -- but several of her fonts include accents to cover 80+ languages.  This makes our classroom work look so much better and we do not need to worry about adding accents by hand.  :) 

The fonts that I like that have accents for me to use are:
KG Alphabet Regurgitation, KG Already Home, KG I Want Crazy, KG Hard Candy Solid, KG Hard Candy Striped, and Covered By Your Grace.

Additionally, for those of you who are like me and really don't know how to put different fonts together in terms of what looks good, download Kimberly's Font Tips - Pairing Guide!  It not only tells you the tips but shows you examples.  Very helpful!

So, while you are working so diligently at getting ready for school to start - or perhaps you have already started and are busy with your beginning of the school year activities, keep Kimberly Geswein Fonts in mind. You will be pleasantly surprised and impressed as was I!

Kimberly Geswein Fonts
Here's a link to her store:  KG Fonts

Happy Teaching everyone!  Lorraine

Monday, August 10, 2015

More ebook links to free resources and teaching tips!

Here are more TpT ebook links to help you find new resources for your classroom!

All links for the 2015-2016 Back to School Year:

Back to School Math ebook Grades 7-12

Back to School Science ebook Grades 7-12

Back to School English ebook Grades 7-12

Back to School Social Studies, Foreign Languages ebook Grades 7-12

Back to School ebook Grades 1 and 2

Back to School ebook Grades 3 and 4

Enjoy!  Each teacher's page includes a free product for you!  Each teacher's page includes a Back to School Teaching Tip!


Secondary ebook! - French and Spanish resources included!

Hi everyone!  The 3rd ebook has just been compiled and published to celebrate 36 TpT teacher-authors at the Grade 7-12 Secondary Level of this subject area category! 

Each teacher-author has offered you a FREEBIE from his or her store along with a BACK TO SCHOOL teacher TIP!  Also included are resources for French, Spanish, Social Studies, Special Education, Art and more!  Click below to download the Free ebook!  There are many resources! I will also include the links for the other ebooks that are included covering the other subject areas and elementary education.  But for now, here is Secondary 7-12 with the subject areas listed above. Enjoy!

                                                    Back to School ebook!! Grades 7-12

More ebooks to come!! Happy teaching! Lorraine